Adding Images to Pages
WordPress makes it easy to add images to your content. Images can be used in your pages or your posts directly.You also can use the insert picture icon to insert a picture that you want to link to, without uploading to your server. Use captions, descriptions and the gallery for display all imagens attached to your posts or page.
Inserting When Editing/Creating
There are 2 steps involved to inserting an image into a post/page. First, the image file must be uploaded into your Media Library before it can be inserted into a post/page. The second step is to actually insert the image into the post/page in the appropriate location.
The simplest way to do this is to use the “Add Media” buttons on the post/page editing screen (on top of editing area). Choose the appropriate button depending on whether you are adding photos, videos, audio, or miscellaneous media (e.g. PDF files).
In the “From Computer” area of the screen you need to upload the desired image file. Choose the desired image file on your computer. Then, hit the “Upload” button. Your image file is now in your Media Library.
Make sure you give the image an appropriate title, as well as a relevant description if desired. Choose the desired alignment and size, and hit the “insert into post” button. Your image is now inserted into the post/page at the location where your cursor was last active.
Image Sizes
After uploading an image, you are asked some questions about how the image should look in your content. The most important aspect is size:
When you set a size for your image, WordPress will create a new version of your file, not just resize it. The sizes are listed below each label, determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use when inserting the image into the body of a post.
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