Re-sizing Images

Your website only has a certain amount of space. If your going to have a lot of images they are going to eat up that space, resulting in not allowing you to add all that you want and they are also going slow your site down, which can result in loss of traffic to your site.

There is a way to get around this. That’s by re-sizing your images to the size you want them to display on your site. More than likely we would have set up the dimensions of your images for you so all you have to do is set the images to that size.

You can use any photo editing software you have, Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Elements, Corel Draw etc..
Every System has a editing software built in, in Windows its Paint and Mac it’s ….
Heres how you Re-size images in Paint…

1. Open the Paint Programme.(located under start/ accessories/ Paint)

2. Open the image/images you wish to re-size. Then Click on the Resize option (Highlighted here in yellow under “view”)

3.This box will appear on the screen

4. Make sure that pixels is slected. Highlight the number in the “Horizontal” or “verticle” box, by double clicking on the number or clicking and dragging your mouse over the number. Change to the required size, You will only need to change one value the other will re-size automatically.

5. Select the “save as” option on the dropdown menu

6. Select the location to save the file and type in the name

7. ALL DONE!! Now ready to add to your site

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