FaceBook Like Button
Integrate a FaceBook like button into your CMS website to increase your presence on the social media giant.

Share This
$95.00 +GST
ShareThis offers the most innovative sharing platform for today’s social audience. Our suite of solutions for advertisers and publishers inspire people to do more of what we believe is the foundation of digital life – to share.

Google Analytics
Integrate Google Analytics tracking code into your website and harness the power of the Google Analytics tools.

Photo Gallery
Create image galleries and add them to pages/posts within your cms website.

Featured Content Slider
Present featured content from the pages and posts of your website through the “Featured Content Slider”

Request A Call
The Request A Call Add On provides a powerful call to action on the pages on your website.

Facebook Social Media Page
Activate your businesses potential through being on Facebook the worlds biggest online social media network which already has over 2 million users in New Zealand.

Twitter Social Media Page
Twitter is a free service that allows anyone to say almost anything to anybody in 140 characters or less. Millions are leaning on twitter pretty hard as a way to network and communicate with contacts new and old.